Hearing Tests

Tinnitus Management
Ringing in the ears, medically called tinnitus, is a common condition affecting millions of people. Tinnitus is when you hear a buzzing, humming, ringing, or whistling sound in your ears when no external sounds are present. Although there is no cure to stop ringing in the ears, hearing aids can help.

Hearing Aid Evaluations

Hearing Aid Repairs
Hearing aids require regular care and maintenance checks. If something isn’t working quite right with your hearing aids, or the sound quality seems distorted, contact us. We can fix most issues in-office. If your hearing aids have suffered from more severe damage, then we can send them back to the manufacturer for you to be repaired.

Hearing Aid Cleaning
To keep your hearing aids working their best, it’s important to clean them every day. In addition, we recommend bringing them in every six months for a professional cleaning. This will ensure the small components of the hearing aids stay working their best.

Hearing Aid Accessories
In addition to hearing aids, we also carry a wide range of hearing aid accessories. From hearing aid batteries to cleaning tools, we have everything you need to keep your devices performing their best.

Custom Noise Protection
Loud noise exposure can cause serious damage to your hearing. It’s important to protect your ears and hearing ability whenever you are exposed to sounds that exceed 85 decibels. At our hearing clinic, we carry custom earplugs and earmolds for noise protection. We carry the following types of hearing protection at our office in Decatur:
- Earplugs for sportsmen
- Musicians’ earplugs
- Swim plugs
- Custom fit earmolds